What is The Fate and Negligence

What is The Fate and Negligence
What is The Fate and Negligence

What is The Fate and Negligence

   Fate, The secret of time and negligence often puts us in trouble. And, it hurts. Then sometimes we ask only one question to our friends, sometimes to ourselves, sometimes to God.

   Why, why did this happen to me?

  No one has the answer to the question. This question is like a Trap. And the way to get out of this also comes from a question.

If you have such a feeling, ask yourself questions. Now, what should I do to end that suffering? If there is an obstacle in the way, then do not ask why the obstacle came before me.

Rather see this, many people have progressed even after facing this obstacle. To move forward, the earth has to be pushed from the feet.

The treatment of the pain of the one who passed away was not in yesterday. Will be available in the future.

What is The Fate and Negligence
What is The Fate and Negligence

   I tell you how. Follow the present time, and make your plans according to the present time. And remember, what you forgot earlier. This should not happen for the second time.

   Do not waste the present in mourning the past. Use the present to think about it. What to do so that no one else has to suffer in the future.

Because the caution of the present can make our future bright. Therefore caution is another form of fate and it is in your hands.

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