What Is Real Development ?

What Is Real Development ?
What Is Real Development ?

What Is Real Development ?

        Sometimes it does not seem like that? Even when everything happens, you need something else, then you need something else.

        If you have such dissatisfaction, then there is no objection. Because it is not human nature to be satisfied.

       Human development has made the highest growth in all the creatures, so that man has to grow economically and spiritually.

       The property grew, knowledge increased, i.e. dissatisfaction is very important for growth. But the problem arises when A discontent turns into jealousy.

        And jealousy gives birth to envy, crime, and conspiracy. So the question arises, how to avoid this jealousy? And it is only one measure.

         When efforts are made to develop others along with you, then envy ends.

 And begins to be of joy, of real development.

How to win any Situation

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